Someway or the other i feel blessed to be in contact with my dear friends, kith and kin.. The day which i feel more happy is on my B'day.. ! The real true care and affection of our dear ones will definitely be unwrapped on that particular day is what i feel..
People should remember the things done to them,during their tiresome days or any other joyous occasions..I have the habit of downloading those incidents that happen to me personally in my memory..
"I have always needed support in my life. I could never be on my own. I always need an anchor,Or a pillar. My beginnings were humble. I didn't seem to be doing anything worthwhile than look for more support, ask for more, want more as ever....
should I remain quiet? Should I retort? Should I smile and go? I am told to feel stronger, and these are lessons to that effect.. Actually the time that I spend learning how to feel stronger on such issues, I 'd rather do something more productive, something better than come-back skills."
This B'day, My 20th B'day..! really a quick sweep of days.. cud'nt have a look back of those memorable days at a stretch. Came across hurdles,Success,Loss everything..all in the perfect ratio into a perfect blend..Growing,Learning through my life's journey..." Tired??? I usually hear stuff like this on a daily basis. ..Sometimes I do think that being simple and humble got me nowhere and it did lead to a lot of people taking undue advantages. I did my duty. But they didn't do theirs. Anyway, I cannot change from my core values" .I intend to continue evolving, learning; for the day I stagnate, I shall cease to exist.

I remember the times that I used to struggle. Ponder from dawn to dusk in the unrelenting sun, until time gave the king of the sky a sign to retire. And until the cock crowed the next morning to call the sun back to begin its travel in my portion of the world, I would rest. I was tending to do something or the other throughout the day, throughout the month, throughout the year. I knew no respite. But I found comfort in the harsh rays of the sun too..
Inspite of what everyone may or may not tell you, '' THE LIFE IS YOURS ''..!! You can be all that you want to be,Everything you want to be. We are at most of times, everything that others want us to be, isnt it? So its not really beyond us to not be all that we want to be..
Grab every opportunity. It doesnt matter if you did'nt succeed. And then again, the definition of success is very fluid and is not set in stone. The dictionary's first result of success is : "the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors".
So there you ur wings...let loose ur spirits.. !! Give your own personal definition to success. Or just dont define it at all, "MAY IT RISE BEYOND DEFINITIONS"..
I am free. I am the meaning of being free. I go wherever I want to. I can be wherever I want to. At will. I am a superpower. I am willful, I am tempestuous, I just am.But too early to talk about all that..
What will be, will be. And I am ,what I am..!
Got umpteen number of wishes via mail,sms,Face book,Hi-5,Twitter etc.... & those msgs and gifts from my Dear ones will remain close to my heart fover...
My Dad,Mom's present:
Donno how my Dad thought gifting me with a Play station.. In home.., really i use to hear advices like,that playing games fetches nothing..but i am wondering now.. Really should pinch my selves now..!!
The very first game i played...
Mom gifted me with a IPOD ..Loved the way it was wrapped...!!
From Brother:
My frnd Jeypriya's present:
My frnd Jimmy's present:
Miley cyrus..! my Fav. singer.... I almost wont miss her CD wen launched..
My frnd jimmy just stared at the galore of CD's in "Rock Salad" Music shop in Anna Nagar...Thought she is just admiring her..but really did'nt think ,she wil gift me with cyrus's CD.!!
Frm other Dear ones:
You know, one fine time of the 24 hour cycle you realize you are older.. post birthday realization should I say... One of the cards I got.. Asked me "How old are you?" and then it says "time to start to lying about your age" .. pretty funny when you read it.... But as time goes, you realize you have one year less to get all the nothing and something and everything you set out to do.
A Book from my Aunt :
Did'nt started reading it yet..but hope, will make it on one fine day soon..!!
My Dream Car as cake:
That Ferrari is going to start retailing in India.. This is my dream car.. and yeah I know the
Ferrari or most super cars are not Indian-Roads friendly, blind spots and all that.. but *sigh* can't shake this mega attachment I have towards this car.. :)
And I am reminding myself again of the proverb that "trying to please everyone is a sure way to failure" .I do know,there are several goals and milestones that I need to achieve..
Still I search for the lime light.Wishing to stay with the habits i possess and continue to be with my true heart forever and to be a trustworthy person to all genre of people.
Icing on the cake..!
Everything do as a special priority...Likewise,among all the gifts and msgs i received,the wish that stays very close to my heart was my "First wish" made by my friend cum Sis sweetly called as "HONEY" originally named as "Thenmozhi alias Roshyini ". She called me around 1 am on my B'day and wished me. I really was eager to hear her wish and activated reminder,and also set Alarm to wake @ 12:00 am ,thinking that she would call and wish me. But things did'nt move as thought..Anyways she was the first person to wish for my B'day. when i first picked up her call..,i really could'nt withstand my happiness.. Just i was in "cloud 9" i could say.. I got her wish and she could'nt speak well and stated she was not feeling well.. I was not in the situation to have my normal sleep after hearing abt her stand. I really consider her as my "Lucky charm" and her frienship holds a special place in my heart forever.
With all my heart, thank you for all your kindness.. I shall strive to live up to the compliments..
And ,Trials ,tribulations ... And that, I figured is my Life.
I shall look forward to my epitaph...
I fall, I fly...Time passed,Let fortune smile upon me...!!Great times ahead..! sigh*
(And if anyone who needs to criticize me, please key in an
E-Mail, I shall be glad to respond... :E)