1 universe,9 planets,204 countries,809 islands,7 seas and i got the privilege to meet "You"...!!
friendship is a big part of what made me who I am now. I know it sounds
cheesy, but it’s true. When we first became friends, I clung on to that
friendship with a death grip.
Some people come into our lives and barely leave a trace, others leave a string of footprints etched upon our hearts, letting us know they are with us every step we take.
Some people come into our lives and barely leave a trace, others leave a string of footprints etched upon our hearts, letting us know they are with us every step we take.
You, my friend, have been stamping all over my heart since the day we met. 4 years ago, i just asked you, "I wanted to be your friend". There wasn’t a moment of hesitance in my decision like,you are going to be my friend for life.We became friends and with a smile on your cherub-like face, you felt like a protective wing for me where i can rely upon everything in life.
As the days passed by, my love for you grew profusely. You weren’t just a friend, you were the sister I never had,and the reason my days were filled with happiness, love and laughter. Even when the sun stopped shining, we’d get out there, splash in the deepest of puddles and make light of any situation life threw our way over us. Because together we were stronger, braver and damn right invincible!
How shall I ever prove what my heart is to you...?
How will you ever see it as I feel it..... ?
It is absolutely necessary for me to obtain an answer, having been for above a 4+ year stricken with the dart of friendship, and not yet sure whether I shall fail of finding a place in your heart again.
We were best friends,but i feel us like drifting apart..We hardly talk any more and you ignore me in every chance you get.I want to be heard again,but most of all i want to talk to you. Don't i atleast deserve to be your friend...?

sorry" may not mean that much to you, but it means a lifetime of our
relationship to me ! Please forgive me .Once in awhile, like today, I
meditate on it and realize how lucky I am to share my life with the
greatest person I ever met...!
Oh, where do I begin? Honey, you're great. You're more than great, you are wonderful. And we've had some really good times together,some good laughs, funny moments and touching memories. But there's something missing.We just don't communicate like we used to. Heck, here I am writing this to you instead of just speaking to you in person, what does that say about us? Look, no one did anything wrong, it obviously just wasn't meant to be. So let's skip the blame and let me just express my sincere apologies and appreciation to you.
I admire you for your sense of confidence and self esteem. You always seem so cool and in control and I look at you in Awe. You are more intelligent than anyone I know and it goes beyond the normal book smarts..!! You have real world common sense. You understand the world and people and always know the right thing to do.You are such a good and beautiful person.
Life, sometimes it pulls the rug from under our feet. Suddenly, we find ourselves broken and unable to get back up. When I thought all hope had gone, you were always there to sweep me off of my feet, dust me down and tell me everything is going to be okay. When everyone else had left me, you were the only one still cheering and giving me that little piece of hope to carry on.
That’s what real friends do. They are the glue that holds us together when we feel like we are falling apart. They are the anchor to keep us grounded when life has a tendency to blow us away. They are the wind beneath our wings, keeping us going when we feel like giving up.
I know it hasn’t been the same “us” after college. You went miles away from me. I thought we’re going to be fine. I was optimistic about it. But it didn’t turn out like that, did it? We had fights about things and said stuffs we weren’t supposed to say. There were months that I haven’t heard anything from you. I’ve met other people and made friends as you did. Those made gaps. Gaps that are hard to fill in. But you know what? In case you don’t know, after all this time, you’re still my first priority,my only lovable best friend. "I love you Akka"..!!
Oh, where do I begin? Honey, you're great. You're more than great, you are wonderful. And we've had some really good times together,some good laughs, funny moments and touching memories. But there's something missing.We just don't communicate like we used to. Heck, here I am writing this to you instead of just speaking to you in person, what does that say about us? Look, no one did anything wrong, it obviously just wasn't meant to be. So let's skip the blame and let me just express my sincere apologies and appreciation to you.
I admire you for your sense of confidence and self esteem. You always seem so cool and in control and I look at you in Awe. You are more intelligent than anyone I know and it goes beyond the normal book smarts..!! You have real world common sense. You understand the world and people and always know the right thing to do.You are such a good and beautiful person.
Life, sometimes it pulls the rug from under our feet. Suddenly, we find ourselves broken and unable to get back up. When I thought all hope had gone, you were always there to sweep me off of my feet, dust me down and tell me everything is going to be okay. When everyone else had left me, you were the only one still cheering and giving me that little piece of hope to carry on.
That’s what real friends do. They are the glue that holds us together when we feel like we are falling apart. They are the anchor to keep us grounded when life has a tendency to blow us away. They are the wind beneath our wings, keeping us going when we feel like giving up.
I know it hasn’t been the same “us” after college. You went miles away from me. I thought we’re going to be fine. I was optimistic about it. But it didn’t turn out like that, did it? We had fights about things and said stuffs we weren’t supposed to say. There were months that I haven’t heard anything from you. I’ve met other people and made friends as you did. Those made gaps. Gaps that are hard to fill in. But you know what? In case you don’t know, after all this time, you’re still my first priority,my only lovable best friend. "I love you Akka"..!!
I miss you. I miss texting you about every single stupid thing that happens in my life. I miss the way people would ask me where you were when you weren’t with me because it was a known fact that we were a packaged deal. I miss laughing with you and all of our inside jokes. I miss sending you greetings and texting you even from the bathroom. I miss looking over at you and knowing exactly what you are thinking. I miss your family and the way you used to fill me in your/their daily happenings. I miss knowing that at the end of the day I had you, that when push came to shove, no matter how bad the situation might be, I knew you would be there. I miss U my friend, Miss you hell a lot.!
hate that our conversations that once used to be so natural and
seemingly endless are now filled with awkward silences and formal
"how-do-you-dos." I hate that your face, the face I was so accustomed to
seeing every single day, has become just another one in the crowd. I
hate that we can now go days at a time without speaking to each other
and that most of our conversations now start with “I feel like I haven’t
talked to you in forever!”.
I'm mad at us for letting our
friendship become this far gone. What happened? How did i not see this
coming? How did i not feel ourselves starting to drift? I am feeling
really screwed for not fighting harder for the friendship that we had.
It wasn’t like most friendships. It was the kind of friendship that
neither of us could have anticipated coming to an end. It was us against
the world, and now it is nothing. I am mad for letting it become
nothing but a collection of memories.
I am sad because I don’t even know where to go from here. I don’t know what there is to be said. Nothing really happened to make it change, so how do i fix it? How do I make this horrible yearning for you go away? How do I shake the dreadful feeling of knowing that you are no longer just a phone call away? How do i find a way to fall back together just as easily as we fell apart?
I am scared that it cannot be fixed and that maybe we weren’t supposed to be forever. I am scared that from here on out, you will not be a part of my life.But what I’m most scared of is that, you don’t even care at all. I am scared that maybe you haven’t noticed my absence in your life or that maybe you have, but it just doesn’t matter to you. I am scared that you have already replaced me. I am scared that you don’t look back on our friendship as fondly as I do. I’m scared that our lack of a future doesn’t hurt you just as badly as it hurts me. I’m scared that you don’t miss me as much as I miss you.
I am sad because I don’t even know where to go from here. I don’t know what there is to be said. Nothing really happened to make it change, so how do i fix it? How do I make this horrible yearning for you go away? How do I shake the dreadful feeling of knowing that you are no longer just a phone call away? How do i find a way to fall back together just as easily as we fell apart?
I am scared that it cannot be fixed and that maybe we weren’t supposed to be forever. I am scared that from here on out, you will not be a part of my life.But what I’m most scared of is that, you don’t even care at all. I am scared that maybe you haven’t noticed my absence in your life or that maybe you have, but it just doesn’t matter to you. I am scared that you have already replaced me. I am scared that you don’t look back on our friendship as fondly as I do. I’m scared that our lack of a future doesn’t hurt you just as badly as it hurts me. I’m scared that you don’t miss me as much as I miss you.
I will never give up hope that i will find my way back to
patch up, no matter how unlikely that now seems. I will never stop
caring about you and wishing you well in life. I will silently smile
from a distant sideline as you win more accolades in life. You will
always hold a special place in my heart even though I may no longer hold
one in yours. I will never stop looking back on our friendship fondly
and will always only have kind things to say.
Thank you for being a true friend. For allowing me to share my life instances and keep hearing me saying "I Love You", "XoXo","I Miss You" a zillion times,For letting me pour my heart out, for listening and for not just telling me what I want to hear. Thank you for loving me when no one else would. Thank you for staying constant in a world full of change and chaos. And thank you for just being there when I need you..!! Thanks a ton..!!
It’s hard to put it into words just how much you mean to me, because words will never be enough for me. I know my life wouldn’t be the same without you. We have walked so far, laughed so hard.We have climbed each other’s highest peaks, and travelled through the brightest of valleys. With you by my side the world is a better place. the sun shines a little bit brighter, my smile grows a little bit wider, and in that moment, my problems are no more. You are the most beautiful person, inside and out. You are selfless, compassionate and wise beyond your years. I truly believe I hit friendship gold when you entered into my life and filled my days with laughter, happy tears and enchantment.
Thank you for being my beautiful friend, Lucky mascot,my telepathic pal,my personal life coach, My Barbie Girl and so much more. Thank you for all the glorious memories, wrapped up in a bow of nostalgia, so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye.A special thanks for hooking up a chat with me until the cows came home, milked into a thousand saucers, and said ‘Screw this, I’m going to bed!’.
I know it's cliche but I hope that we can still be friends in some capacity. I hope that we can put our differences aside and still root one another on as we continue to travel on this crazy life journey. If not, I understand. I can't say I'll agree or be okay with it at first but I will respect your decision. Thank you again for everything you have given me.There will always be a special place in my heart for you.
Thank you for being a true friend. For allowing me to share my life instances and keep hearing me saying "I Love You", "XoXo","I Miss You" a zillion times,For letting me pour my heart out, for listening and for not just telling me what I want to hear. Thank you for loving me when no one else would. Thank you for staying constant in a world full of change and chaos. And thank you for just being there when I need you..!! Thanks a ton..!!
It’s hard to put it into words just how much you mean to me, because words will never be enough for me. I know my life wouldn’t be the same without you. We have walked so far, laughed so hard.We have climbed each other’s highest peaks, and travelled through the brightest of valleys. With you by my side the world is a better place. the sun shines a little bit brighter, my smile grows a little bit wider, and in that moment, my problems are no more. You are the most beautiful person, inside and out. You are selfless, compassionate and wise beyond your years. I truly believe I hit friendship gold when you entered into my life and filled my days with laughter, happy tears and enchantment.
Thank you for being my beautiful friend, Lucky mascot,my telepathic pal,my personal life coach, My Barbie Girl and so much more. Thank you for all the glorious memories, wrapped up in a bow of nostalgia, so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye.A special thanks for hooking up a chat with me until the cows came home, milked into a thousand saucers, and said ‘Screw this, I’m going to bed!’.
I know it's cliche but I hope that we can still be friends in some capacity. I hope that we can put our differences aside and still root one another on as we continue to travel on this crazy life journey. If not, I understand. I can't say I'll agree or be okay with it at first but I will respect your decision. Thank you again for everything you have given me.There will always be a special place in my heart for you.
no matter how much distance is between us, no matter how many days,
weeks and months we haven’t spoken to each other till date, I m ready to
pick up from where we left.I don’t know what the future holds for me,
but I do know one thing is for certain, "I will never find another
friend like the friend I found in you".I miss you more than you could
ever possibly know.
My beautiful friend, what more can I say? In 50 years from now,I m still ready to crave,try,struggle to be your old loving,caring,stupid friend.Love you to the moon and back.
My beautiful friend, what more can I say? In 50 years from now,I m still ready to crave,try,struggle to be your old loving,caring,stupid friend.Love you to the moon and back.