I was tagged by my sweet sis cute cadre...Thanks for tagging me akka"
Four places you have lived
1) Bangalore-Studied baby class here.After that my dad got transfer and left from there .But i continue to visit Bangalore in my annual exam holidays but once,i did a "very strange thing",after that my parents decided not to send me there for every vacation.
2) Vellore Fort City-Residing here from my LKG till now..i love being in this place eventhough its quite nasty"
3) & 4)cant tell were would i reside in my future...hope it will be in UK, for my higher studies..
Four TV shows
shit! I rarely switch on the TV'S,but my favorites when watced will be,
Ally Mc Beal,Foot ball match,Time wrap, The Ellen deGeneres Show.
Four places you have been on vacation
Delhi-Loved Taj mahal's external view.,Qutub minar,Red fort..
Mumbai,Nepal and Ahmedabad in Gujarat(dont try to visit that place or the state u will definitely feel for that..)
I have visited almost our entire India but the saddest part is, i did'nt visit our Tamil Nadu fully..feeling puppy shame"
Four of your favorite foods
For me one of the tough & time consuming job is Eating...
my favs… are Super Salad, Pani Puri, Mango Milkshake, Ice cream and spicy veg pizza ..
Four Places you would rather be
No matters the place,i love staying alone..i can live with my laptop for many years remaining alone"
Four movies you can see over and over again
Not four but....GURU, Titanic,The Tonight Show,Angels and Demons, The Big Fight, Forrest Gump, Life is beautiful, Kannathil Muthamittaal, RDB, Million dollar baby, Minnalae,Roja,The girl with the pearl earrings, Ice Age, X Men, Final Destination, Charlie's Angels, MI, In her shoes, Little Miss Sunshine, Unnale Unnale and for the remaining "n" number of movies, I don't have the patience to type.
Four things u hope to do b4 you die
2)Finish my studies with flying colours,
3)Want to own my dream car "Ferrari" and have a long drive,
4)I better make the time I am alive worthwhile and also...,
to direct a film which i am writing the script for the past 1yr.(its almost ready).

The tag Rules: 1. Link the person who tagged you. 2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post. 3. Post this in one or all of your blogs. 4. Answer the four questions following these Rules. 5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them. 6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com/ and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List. 7. Have Fun! Questions & Your Answers:
1)The person who tagged you:Cute Cadre
2)Her site's title:http://www.cute-cadre.blogspot.com
3)Date when you were tagged: Aug 3,2009
4)Persons who you tagged: Not now,shall do it later