Madras bashai helps Tamil syntactic structures, with heavy use of English words..
The following examples illustrates the heavy use of English words, even for basic concepts:
English | Tamil | Madras bashai |
Go fast! | Viraivāga Sel! | speeda-ā pō! |
Go straight! | Nerāga Sel! (Adverb)
| Straighta po! (Adverb Verb)
- Inta mātiri full-ā English speak-paṇṇa people like me eppaṭi understand paṇṇartu?
- How are people like me to understand this sort of full English speech?
Or a person may sadly shake one's head at the poor grasp of real Tamil among college students in the city, and say:
- Future generation ellām full-ā English-tān pēcuvānka.
- Future generations will all only speak completely in English.
It is important to note that if this were expressed fully in Tamil:
- Vaṛa talaimuṛai ellām mulukka ānkilamtān pēcuvānka,
even in a colloquial form (as evidenced by the verb, pēcuvānka, as opposed to pēcuvārkaḷ), the word choice itself would make the sentence sound lofty and formal; words such as talaimuṛai are associated with literature, not everyday speech.
Standard Tamil | Madras bashai | Meaning |
irukkiṛāy (இருக்கிறாய்) | kiṛē (கிறே) | You are there. |
irukkiṛatu (இருக்கிறது) | kītu (கீது) | it is there. |
iluttukkoṇṭu (இழுத்துக்கொண்டு) | istukinu (இஸ்துகினு) | (இழுக்கறது - to drag) |
iṭṭukinu (இட்டுகினு) |
Bring along |
appuram (அப்புறம்) |
appālikā,appāllē,appa (அப்பாலிகா, அப்பாலே,அப்ப) | Then |
aruvai koottathiliruthu thapipathu | kaindikeeran | Escaping from bored meeting |
kilittuviṭuvēn (கிழித்துவிடுன்)
| kīciṭuvēn (கீசிடுவேன்) | I'll tear [you] apart. |
inkē uṭkārunkaḷ (இங்கே உட்காருங்கள்) | inka kuntu,inke park pannika (இங்க குந்து) | Please Sit Here. |
kiṇṭal paṇṛē (கிண்டல் பண்றே) | kalāykkaṛē (கலாய்க்கறே) | You are kidding me. |
anka (அங்க) | annanṇṭa (அந்தாண்ட) | There |
Thamatham aagum (தாமதம் ஆகும் | Lettaagum (லேட்டாகும்) | It would take a while to carry out your service. Some of the service providers use this phrase to dissuade the customers that they are not willing to carry out the request now. Typically small eateries in Chennai say this when the restaurant is yet to commence its operation for business for the day. Auto rickshaw and Share Auto drivers use this word when they want to express a view to the customers that they are unwilling to ply the specified route requested by the customer/commuter.

Readers can understand immediately that this was done to save time, so that in the same period of time a Madras Tamilar can convey 1.5 times that of a Madurai, Tirunelveli Tamilar and 3 times that of an Erode Tamilar and 5 times that of a Coimbatore Tamilar (depending on the length of the drawl, like 'yaeeeeeeenunga?') One anomaly to this shortening rule is, some words get suffixed with the syllable 'ka'. So, summa = summaka, dhoora = dhooraka.
Alternative pronunciation
Some Tamil words are pronounced differently from Madurai Tamil (considered the standard dialect). This practice is very similar to other dialects of Tamil. The pronunciation differences are usually accounted for by morphed and/or deleted vowels.
Standard Tamil | Madras bashai | Meaning |
Enna Rajasekaran? (என்ன ராஜசேகரன்?) | Inaa Rajasekaraa? (இன்னா ராஜசேகரா?) | What Rajasekaran? |
Gudisai (குடிசை) | Gudse, Gudchae (குட்சே) | Hut |
Veedu (வீடு) | Voodu, Oodu (வூடு) | House |
Pazham (பழம்) | Payam (பயம்) | Fruit |
Sappidu (சாப்பிடு) | Thunnu (துன்னு) | Eat |
Ematrukiraya (ஏமாற்றுகிறாயா) | Dabaikeeriya (டபாய்க்கிறியா) | Cheating, Dodging, Evading |
Nagarigamaga (நாகரிகமாக) | deegenta, regenta (டீஜென்டா, ரீஜென்டா) | Decent, Decency |
naiyandi' (நையாண்டி) | Kalaikuriya (கலாய்க்கிறியா) | Joke,Tease |
Valikkalai' ( |
Questions with binary answers
Questions with yes or no answers are framed by saying the statement whose truth is to be verified then saying "aa" at the end with a rising inflexion like a question. The meaning of the aa is roughly analogous to Is it?. If the statement already ends in an aa or other interfering vowel sound, then the questioning aa can be made vaa in the interest of euphonics. Some speakers tend to carry the -aa even into full English conversations from force of habit. e.g.: You finished it aa? and also sometimes shortened to Finished-aa?
English | Madras bashai (மெட்ராஸ் பாஷை) |
Are you ready? | Ready-aa? (ready-ஆ?) |
Am I late? | Late-aa? (late-ஆ?) |
Is it OK? | OK-vaa? (ok-வா?) |
However, phrases like Late-aa? and Ready-aa? are usually used by the younger generation, and phrases of Madras Bashai in the above column are never used in polite form, and are usually used as street Tamil.
Madras bashai combines words, suffixes and grammar rules of several languages to make new words. The most common sources are English, French, Dutch, Telugu, Hindi, and Kannada.
When it comes to borrowing words from other languages 'Madrassukku nigar Madrasse' (No one can beat Madras in this). English words can be used in any context without feeling alien. 'wrongu,' 'rightu,' 'yechuse me,' 'adjist,' 'abase,' 'abscond,' 'beetiful,' 'super,' 'fruitu,' 'pilim,' 'escaaape,' 'akkisdu'(accused) and so on. Hindi has its contributions like 'bejaar' (பேஜார்), 'naastha' (நாஸ்தா), etc. Telugu: 'naina' (நைனா), 'baava' (பாவா), 'eppudu' (எப்புடு), 'cheppu', dabbu, duddu(Money) etc.
A large part of Madras bashai is dedicated to exhibiting road rage and starting street fights. The most common is "machaan" or "machi" meaning brother-in-law as in Saala in Marathi/Hindi. Most common word to describe almost anyone.
- Naina! Vootle solltiya? Saavugraaki! By calling the other person naina and asking him whether he has taken leave of his loved ones, the speaker indicates that his interlocutor is driving in a very unsafe manner. The speaker uses saavugraaki to emphasise the point, thus asserting his superior driving skills in the situation.
- Yaru theaterla yaru padam ootra...keenjidum screenu....bemani! It is used to indicate that other person is trying to show off at a place he does not belong to.
- Aapu adchichu aapu (ஆப்பு) is a thin triangular wedge (usually made of metal) used in carpentry to split wood or hold half-split wood. adchichu(அடிச்சு) means to hit. So this phrase literally means "hit/split by a wedge" implying a failure
- Aattaya poadrathu To steal
- Aaya Used to call a granny
- Enjoya Used to ask whether "are you happy?" E.g.: Thiyaga enjoyaaa
- Nenjila irukeera manja sora ethuduvaen Usually said to threaten others (Literally Means Taking the Yellow Rice from his chest)
- Bikki kuduthutta Usually used in the context when a girl ditches a guy whimsically
- Semma Semma Usually used in the context to appreciate someone or something E.g.: Figure Semma Semma
- Selvi Usually used in the context of a normal girl as opposed to curvy girl E.g.: Figure Selvi da
- Kadalai Used to refer to flirting. Literal meaning is Groundnut. Usage: 'Kadalai poduraan paaru' (Look, he is flirting!) It is believed that the link between 'Kadalai' and flirting is derived from the fact that people used to eat Groundnuts for time pass. Some youth used to tease each other telling that they are flirting for time pass and referred to the flirting process done with the intent of whiling away the time as 'Kadalai pooduradhu' (Flirting for time pass without genuine interest in the relationship). This is originated because of the people of Marina beach where couples used to gather, buy 'Kadalai' and they used to feed each other.
- Domaru kapsa kapsa points to a person who always lies.
- Sevulu avul aiyidum or Sevulu keenjidum Used to indicate that a slap will reduce one's cheeks to powder.
- Yaarume Illatha kadaiyila Yaarukuda tea aathura Acting smart to impress a sappa figure (implies a woman worth for nothing). (Literally, For whom are you making tea? when there is no customer in the shop)
- Bulb adichaan da Goofed up and caught red-handed.
- Semma Mokkai da Something that is terribly dull or boring. For example, 'Maths class semma mokkai da' means Maths class is damn boring.
- Weightu machi Something that is considered good or entertaining. 'Weightu hotel', 'Weightu college' (meaning that the hotel or college is very good)
- Nachu Figure Used to refer to a very good looking girl. 'Nachu' can also be combined in other ways such as 'Nachu presentation' , 'Nachu bike' etc. (Adding 'nachu' to give a positive opinion regarding any entity.)
- Attu Figure Used to refer to a "not-so-good-looking" girl.It is commonly used as an opposite of Nachu Figure.
- Nee Saavarthukku En Vandidhan Kadichidha??? Didn't you find any other vehicle other than mine to die. Often told by lorry, bus and car drivers to the person who crosses their path.
- Un moonchile en peechang kaiye vaikka I'll put my left hand on your face. A threat, as a person's left hand is regarded as unclean. (This is due to the historic lack of toilet paper in rural areas.)
- Aiyya monjiya paru Literally meaning Look at that face implying that it is unsightly to behold. Commonly used, especially by girls to insult boys.
Enna peelinga Means "Are you emotional"
- Po da dash A common slur used to insult someone
However, not all of Madras Bashai is used predominantly for cursing. The Madras Bashai uses the English language in a very interesting manner.
- Enna Machi, Nalla Keeriya Machi technically means Brother-in-law, but it is very commonly used to address friends. In present day English, this might translate to - Hey Dude, Whassup?
- Enna da oru leave letter kooda kudukama poitta? Note the interesting usage of the word Friend in its literal sense. The sentence translates to - Hello Mate, Haven't heard from you in a while?
- Figura paathu frienda cut panradhu Used to refer to a friend who chooses his girlfriend as a higher priority than his friend .
- Vaailey vada suda tha Used to refer somebody who talks a lot(Mr.Muruganandam). but in reality they can never make a step towards what they have said (or) asking some one to avoid false commitments
- Machi naa eggurren Meaning Dude i'm leaving home. From 'egur' meaning jumping. Loosely means I am jumping ship.
- Uttalakkadi goanya uzunthu ezunthu vaaya Used to refer some one who took a wrong way and struggling to find the right way.
- Daavukku kannu dokku Meaning Love is blind here daavu refers to love, kannu refers to eye and dokku refers to blindness.
- kootar adiccha korangu Used to refer crazy or maniacs who likes to annoy others. here kootar refers to (180ml or quarter of alcohol) and korangu refers to monkey. Note, kootar is pronounced like 'caught-er'.
- Gourava baal Used to refer some who does things for the sake of prestige.
- Laadu labbaku dhas or Laadu langotta , Used to refer some who thinks that they are always right.here Laadu refers to 'Lord'.
- Dumangoli, Used to refer to someone as chinna payan(little fellow) to denote his inexperience or someones actual size. Actual meaning(its the goli found in a goli soda).
- Judgeju jamakkaalam, Used to refer some who confidently criticize others and they tend to do things always wrong .here Judgeu refers to 'Judge'.
- Vakeel varavajeee, Used to refer some who talks about rights,law for every thing. An alternative for this term is Rules Ramanujam
- Goii used to express cheers or to wish a splendid performance.
- Damaram to tease some one as Deaf.
- Dabba dance adidum Literal meaning - Box will dance. Used to threaten some one. * Dabba here is referred to the life of target person.
- Sandhula Sindhu Literal meaning - Singing in a narrow street. Used , when some one tries to use the opportunity in lame situations.E.g.: Yaaru da adhu sandhula sindhu paaduradhu!
- Ading goyala* usually said when someone's embarrassed
- Geththu - usually said to express one's approval over something.The English equivalent would be "Awesome" or "Superb".
- Veththu - used as an opposite of the word "geththu".The Modern English equivalent would be "Crap" or "Waste".
- scene podaradhu or * film kaamikaradhu or * udhar udaradhu - All mean to show off usually before the opposite sex
- daaru danguvaru arundhudum - Meaning i ll slap you hard ur jaw will drop
- alla kai - A good for nothing fella, accompanies the big wig just to show off
- ess aavaradhu - To escape for a tough situation, here ess means escape
- Vetti - is a common slang word meaning "jobless".It normally refers to a person being idle or jobless.
- Ali - common slang referring to a eunuch.
- Asalta (அசால்டா) - To do something very easily.
- Bittu - A small strip of pornographic/sexually suggestive scene that is run during the screening of a legitimate movie. Also refers to a strip of paper especially used for copying in exams.
- Jalsa - Enjoy.Might have originated probably from Salsa, with its suggestive fast moves and close contact in life. Or from Urdu Jalsa which means something like a carnival.
- Porambokku - Unoccupied, usually unusable or fallow land. Derogatively and dismissively, a person without identity, a nobody.
- Sarakku - Refers to Liquor, in a lesser sense, other illicit goods like drugs, and smuggled items.
- Thanni adikkirathu - In slang, means "To drink liquor".
- AshtaKotaxu - In slang, means "Big Blunder".
- Sandhu la Sindhu padradhu - Refers to a person "Adding 2 or more false details along with the details".
- Kudumi Illay Kai - Refers to a person taking control of another person.
- Nayandi - Slang word for arguing.
- Item - Slang word could be used for referring to illegal black market stuff .Like stolen CD, Watch,Phones, Even prostitutes.
- Mayaluma - Slang word questioning is it true? .Eg Mayaluma ?
- Gaanda - Slang word questioning Anger? Eg "Enna Ganda ?"
- Adhuradhu Le - Slang word referring something terrific, Earth Stattering.
- aaniya pudunga venaam - slang derived from a popular vadivel comedy from the movie Friends.Literally means 'dont pluck out the nail'. Used as rebuke to stop the given action or to ask someone to stop their actions.
For lot more stuffs---> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madras_Tamil