I could not have been dealt a better group of girlfriends.
They have always been there for me.
To offer love, support, hugs, encouragement and an occasional reality check.
Which I am positive I needed.
They are all bright, giving and caring women. I am so honored to call them *Friend*.
And as I grow older I have to come to realize that these *blessings*
I have been given should never go unappreciated.
We have such little time on this earth so I didn't want to pass up the opportunity
to tell them how *special* they have made my journey through
this rough and tumble ride we call life. Because of them I am a better person.
Altho not one of them would take any credit for anything they have done.
I have know these women more than half my life.
And I lQQk forward to many many more years to come.
So to the following *Friends* I have this to say..U all made a impression in my heart ..
DEEPIKA:How many years has it been since you graced my life? 9 th grade ...??
I was most fortunate to have met you a time when I needed a friend. As it is much better to starve with a friend than to starve alone. I will also never be able to truly tell you how much you have meant to me either. We have been apart for years and by many miles. Still the bond we have can never really separate us as we will always have those early days in our lives, in Vani school, to keep us together, even if only in spirit.
For some people that is all the lifetime they are given,
but I have had the honor to call you "Friend"
for all those years. I will never really be able to tell you
how much I value our friendship as words could never do it justice, just please
know that when I say *Spell F R I E N D* that it is from my heart,
a place you and our memories will live eternally.
I was most fortunate to have met you a time when I needed a friend. As it is much better to starve with a friend than to starve alone. I will also never be able to truly tell you how much you have meant to me either. We have been apart for years and by many miles. Still the bond we have can never really separate us as we will always have those early days in our lives, in Vani school, to keep us together, even if only in spirit.
For some people that is all the lifetime they are given,
but I have had the honor to call you "Friend"
for all those years. I will never really be able to tell you
how much I value our friendship as words could never do it justice, just please
know that when I say *Spell F R I E N D* that it is from my heart,
a place you and our memories will live eternally.

JIMMY:I have watched you grow in so many different ways. I have been honored
to assist in that growth in some ways as well. Your sense of humor and giving heart
is worth its weight in gold. You have been a constant source of light and harmony
to me and I will always be grateful for the "gifts" you have given me.
Many friends i can mention over here.. they live in my hearts..!!
to assist in that growth in some ways as well. Your sense of humor and giving heart
is worth its weight in gold. You have been a constant source of light and harmony
to me and I will always be grateful for the "gifts" you have given me.
Many friends i can mention over here.. they live in my hearts..!!