Another Happy incident happened today, to add joy to my life....!!

Met my SWEET FRIEND exactly after a month--

Our Previous meeting,dated Dec-18th was a cool one....

Today's meeting Jan-19th was really Awesome i could say...!!

In some way or the other her presence is giving  me bliss..

Had a hectic day today morning but,after seeing her charming face and her cute adorable smile, i  forgot abt those awful moments...!! A special thanks to her for making my day great..!

Her  interaction made me to prolong the day with full enthu..!! Got Fully charged up..!

Had a 10-15 mins mini conversation with her, which worths a  Zillion to me..! After i departed on seeing her,really wished that,"I could have stayed there and interacted with her for some more time" .

She gifted me as usual and which i could preserve it till my last breath..
Her gifts are accumulating...,Already it made a Gift Galore...!

Waiting for Jan-25th to meet her again..Cant wait that long..Wishing to time travel to Jan-25th  by hitting the fast fwd button now and then hit the slow or pause button after the moment i meet her..Waiting for the great  day and wishing the day(Jan-25th)  should move slow.. !