This post is just to reveal my happiness that i am feeling right now...! I have participated in many chess games..but,the one which i took part yesterday was a great experience for me...

On behalf of our colllege "KINGSTON",a team of 9 members participated in the game.Among 9,I and my friend were the only girls and the rest were boys,our senior brothers.The tournament,held on 7-8-10 at "SRI NARAYANI VIDYALAYA"..,near to the Golden Temple..The match fell on the day of our last exam..and I was very happy and excited that ..,some way or the other i will be send to the i can escape from writing the exam but..,fate performed its role..,,I was permitted to participate in the game only after finishing the exam...(sob,sob,sob)the exam was pretty mind thoughts pondered over the chess game and my mind detached from my soul i can say..but managed to finish my exam well..As soon as i finished the exam i handed over the paper and left the exam hall..And the very next moment,we got permission from the concerned staffs and got some wishes from our dear friends,faculties and left the college around 11 am.I started to wave hands towards my friends and showed some signs to express my joy which eventually kindled their patience..Really pathetic to see their faces..since the classes for the remaining sessions would be too vague..they shouted and told me to vacate immediately..Lolz.!Though the climate seemed to be too sultry,we stayed cool and enjoyed the scenario.Wandering simply outside the campus during the college hours..,Woah..! its priceless man..!
With no furthur delay we caught a bus...since we were running out of time and only 1 hr left for registering our names for the match,no other go,depended on that damn private bus..~we got seated and the bus was too serene as we entered.. but,as time passed,got irritated to the core...a child was screaming from behind and her mom consoled the child by showing our though we were resembling like Bug Bears..managed to control my anger,showed my giggling face and continued the travel..
Since there was no straight bus that leads to our destination,we shuffled three buses..really hectic..! I didn't take tickets for me and my friend either..our seniors sponsored..!!they guided us all way along..and i had been quite familiar about the,there was no entertainment or sight seeing..Hence,the travel remained boring..
By God's grace were on time and registered our names and waited for the game to begin.The time was nearing to 1 am,and the name list was displayed and i eagerly peeked into the crowd to see my opponent's name.Gosh..! I was shocked on seeing the was the name of the guy who won many prizes and always stands first in all chess tournaments in Vellore.I rushed to my friend and told my miserable condition.My friend laughed and told..hahaha..,u gonna lose the match for sure..i was about to slap her and asked about her situation..she showed all her 32 teeth and told for me its "BYE" instinct thought,from where on earth everyone are wrapped with loads of luck..??
Initially the match went well and the lucky breeze was towards my the time rolled..,that lucky breeze turned into a deadly storm..i was about to lose the game..the other players who started their games along with us finished their games and we were the last pair playing inside..the rest of the players encircled us.I felt really uncomfortable when the spectators started helping me by showing some hand signs..I was not in the mood to continue or concentrate on the game.Finally, i lost the first game as per my friend's prediction and left that place.When my friend saw me,she was able to realize my situation and told some soothing words which comforted me a lot..
Its Lunch time, and we did'nt bring anything to eat or even crunch.Our seniors asked us whether we are feeling hungry and also told us to accompany with them to a nearby hotel..But we,to maintain some prestige avoided to accompany with them.They asked us for about 4-5 times,but we refused.And they finally moved to take their lunch.
I and my friend were the two souls who was starving to the core in that place..but did'nt reveal to anyone..Time was 3pm..and the next name list displayed..kept my fingers crossed,started to pray and went to see my opponent's name..again a shock..! happened to compete with another fabulous player--->lost the game-->came outside.My friend too lost and there came a 15 mins break**for refreshment.I was desperately in need of something to masticate to boost up my energy..I and my friend approached to one of our senior and asked the way that leads to the canteen..he replied there is nothing named as canteen here in this school..#$%^$%$^% ??@*smoke came from our ears...,Would have shouted in hunger from the roof top..
Left the game hall at 4pm and i won the first game for the day...pretty overjoyed and greeted my friends who won their matches too...And the next game by 5pm,won that match too..out of 4 games won 2 and lost 2.My friend won only one game for the day.
we had some useless talks and the time was nearing to 6pm.It was almost too dark outside.I made a call to my Dad and he came on time and i dropped my friend in her home and we exchanged some awful facial gestures and i thereby departed.Reached my home at 8 and had my supper and cuddled peacefully..
The Tournament winded up..and i did'nt personally win any prize,got certificate and very much contented that our college won the "Overall Trophy".
The next day,faculties asked about the game and we blabbered what all happened and our friends too congratulated us,that worths zillion dollars man...!! In the evening,had a small treat with my gang..
I Enjoyed the day entirely with bliss..!