The reason behind my laugh is, we have encountered the same kind of incident couple of times..We will plan well and mess it even too well..A gang of "awesome friends" we are ,and we all did our schooling together so, the bond is strong and we all moreover possess same kind of habits. eg;We all will do a one night stand for exams and waste the entire year doing nothing useful to others or to ourselves either.
After jotting the things to be accomplished for group studying, the place for our mission to get started have to be decided because, in all our homes no one will believe that we all gonna study.We had created such a "great impression" on their minds in our school days itself.For none of the issues, members of our family will believe us. Atlast, The best place is my friend's house, where her parents was not in the city on that particular day.We friends all with our books went there for the pre-preparation for our Eggjams.

One of my friend told about the subjects that should be taken into account and another friend effectively fixed the timings for each and every subject.I was pretty astonished on seeing their efforts and determination.Till the plan reached the conclusion, i was laughing and told them about our past experiences on group studying.We will plan, and in the middle one friend will sleep the other will play video game and the rest will scold the both.Eventually the day will wind up. But this time all their faces seemed serious and i too pretended to act serious.
As per our plan we took "Data structures" book.Initially things went well...as time passed we started to feel some kind of boredom in studying the tree structures.We ate some snacks and we all were about to start our study cycle again.But, group of ten kids entered my friend's house.They called us to accompany with them for playing Carom.First we refused and really struggled a lot to send those kids out.But those little brats shouted,screamed and made a huge noise.In addition, they also threatened us by saying,if we refuse to play with them, they will report to our parents stating that, we all were playing video games in home and not studying.So,no other way we accepted to play ,but only for only 30 mins, as it would affect our remaining schedule.
The kids they themselves bought the Carom Board and placed the coins in order.Those devils called us for a gambling game.If we lose the game we should give some valuable possession of ours.We bravely accepted for their deal,thinking they not gonna play well but, a great shock..! we didn't even pocket any coins.To be frank,we did'nt get any chance to play the game thats the truth,they continuously pocketed the coins.Towards the end we even tried using Boric acid powder more on our sides but all in vain,we lost the game. As per our agreement, we should give something valuable to them.We gave snacks and chocolates to compromise those children but they refused to accept and started to Blackmail us. Finally we gave our video game set.To our surprise, they told they don't need those.We thought that,they had understood our miserable condition.But they asked my mobile.We all argued for 1hr and finally i gave my mobile with a backscore music of pathos song.
After this Third World War,2hrs later, those kids gave their entry into the house again.We tried to send those kids back fearing what they got in their minds this time.But they told they came with a good dealing.We all friends understood that,they have planned for a huge sum and should remain alert and never accept for their proposals.We send those kids back after a great hullabaloo.But,their final dialogues made us to think a while and call them back,because,if we agree to play cards with them and win, the mobile will be back in my hands.I was left out with no other choice to be made and nodded my head. The cards came.I was supposed to play to retrieve back my mobile.I lost the game and i cant understand whats happening around me and my two wheeler key gone.Those kids don't even know to ride their tricycles properly but,they took my bike key.

I really turned angry to the core,and could'nt find any alternative way to get back the things which i had lost.Atlast, we came with the idea of Blackmailing them in return.Really a cheap thing to do,but no other way, i cant live without the things that i had lost. We called them with some pleasing words and made them to enter our room.And we locked those kids in that room and conversed via windows.We told, if they don't return the key and the mobile, we will complain to their class teacher.Thankfully, my friend's mother happened to be their Class Teacher.We know those kids won't finish their homeworks by themselves ,and will depend only on their parents to write them.We used this opportunity and try to threaten those devils.They clamored and finally accepted to return my mobile and my key too.I got my mobile and key through the window and left those kids out.

After their departure,we locked the door tightly.As predicted, our "group study" plan was dropped and we all saw each others faces and laughed uncontrollably.The day was quite a fun but our plan was messed. Before leaving to our respective homes,one of my friend told the following " hmmmm.....we were not even capable of wining carom and cards with 8yr old kids, then how we all gonna win in our Engineeeeee...........she dragged and before she finished that line, we all pulled her down and gave her some random blows and punches.

<< "After all we are "A great set of awesome friends">>

As I stand here on the threshold of something new, life has come to a pause;everything has just been temporarily put on hold or slowed down to a crawl.My emotions,thoughts,desires,and dreams are like a kid stepping into a school after the holidays. Everything seems brand new,while its all the same; nothing has changed,nothing seems out of order,yet everything seems so out of sync like a lion out of captivity and into the forest.Now i say to myself that, Time will set right everything,time will show the mirages when the dust settles, And only time will answer where this journey will take me.Until then, I am clueless.
By the time, tomorrow becomes today.But,i am just a child standing in the darkness,with tear stained cheeks,trying to forgive and forget everything.The things i touch, gets broken,everything i loved becomes hatred,every mistake i’ve ever made has been replayed over and over again..
I got confused than before.Unable to run anymore,now i realize i got...."ME MYSELF & I".
"Life may not be the party we are looking for..but,while we' re here, we should dance"
Learned a lot along the way,and now my very own best friend exploring uncharted territories are "ME MYSELF & I" .That’s all i got in the end....and that’s what i found out....{nuts..!}

The famous smile of Mona Lisa, the magnum opus of Leonardo da Vinci, is no more a secret as scientists have decoded the technique how the Renaisance-era painter created a special effect to show the enigmatic expression.
According to the experts, the artist managed to achieve his trademark smoky effect, known as sfumato, on the painting by applying up to 40 layers of extremely thin glaze thought to have been smeared on with his fingers.
The glaze, mixed with subtly different pigments, creates the slight blurring and shadows around the mouth that give Mona Lisa her barely noticeable smile that seems to disappear when looked at directly.
With the help of X-rays, the researchers were able to see how the layers of glaze and paint had been built up to varying levels on the face, The Telegraph reported.
With the drying times for the glaze taking months, such effects would have taken years to achieve.
The findings also suggest that he used his fingers to apply the glaze as there are no brush marks or contours visible on the paintings.
The new discoveries have been made by scientists at Laboratoire du Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musees de France and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility.
The gradation of tones or colours from light to dark is barely perceptible. Above all, the way the flesh is rendered gives rise to many comments because of its crucial role in the fascination exerted by Leonardo's portraits.
In all the world there is nobody like you. Since the beginning of time
there has never been another person like you. Nobody has your smile, your eyes, your hands, your hair. Nobody owns your handwriting, your voice.
You’re Special. Nobody can paint your brush strokes. Nobody has your taste for food or music or dance or art. Nobody in the universe sees things as you do.
You’re special.
In all time there has never been anyone who laughs in exactly your way.
You’re different from any other person who has ever lived in the history of the universe. You are the only one in the whole of creation who has your particular set of abilities. Nobody in the universe can reach the quality of the combination of your talents, your feelings.
Through all eternity no one will ever walk, talk, think or do exactly
like you. You’re special. You’re rare and in all rarity there is enormous value and because of your great value the need for you to imitate anyone else is absolutely wrong. You’re special, and it is no accident you are. Please realise that God made you for a special purpose. He has a job for you to do that nobody else can do as well as you can. Out of the billions of applicants, only one qualified. Only one has the unique and right combination of what it takes and that one is You.
You’re Special.

My Dear Sweet Heart,
Yesterday, I was passing by your rectangular house in trigonometric lane.
There I saw you with our cute circular face,conical nose and spherical eyes,standing in your triangular garden.
Before seeing you my heart was a null set, but when a vector of magnitude (likeness) from your eyes at a deviation of theta radians made a tangent to my heart, it differentiated.
My love for you is a quadratic equation with real roots, which only you can solve by making good binary relation with me.
The cosine of my love for you extends to infinity.
I promise that I should not resolve you into partial functions but if I do so, you can integrate me by applying the limits from zero to infinity.
You are as essential to me as an element to a set.
The geometry of my life revolves around your acute personality.
My love, if you do not meet me at parabola restaurant on date 10 at sunset, when the sun is making an angle of 160 degrees, my heart would be like a solved polynomial of degree 10.
With love from your higher order derivatives of maxima and minima..
Your's lovingly,
~Unknown function~.
I strongly believe in and follow Take it easy policy and Jaane bhi do yaaron policy..After all, its a small world and short life..

I faced the un-dreamable and I came out of that grief all by myself..but the heavy burden still persists..
I cannot be lured by temptation to do something which I feel is wrong/not needed..
I am very gullible and get fooled so many times but I move on quickly..
I am always available for people to share their sorrows/problems, but I never ask people personal questions/things that may hurt them/intentional questions unless they themselves start the topic and ask my view..I respect privacy of people.
I am very flexible and adjusting with respect to people as well as places..I have to do my duty come what may..
I cannot get tempted by good physical attributes to conclude whether a person is bad or good, it is the good heart within which attracts me..Yes, I believe in the saying "Beauty is skin deep"..
I feel shy to ask anyone for help, i don't know why but it makes me feel odd to ask....

One bonus fact:
I remember all the wrong words used by people on me..just cant forget it...
Mobiles are harmful a recent study....
In today's scenario mobile plays a very important role in our daily life. It is very beneficial for us to deliver messages with in seconds. But no one thinks of it's disadvantages. How harmful it is for our health? According to a brain surgeon, mobile phones possess a bigger health risk than smoking cigarettes.

The waves from the cell phone are harmful to our physical body such as our heart, but most of us cannot avoid it. It can affect our heart and internal organs. Recent study tells that,many organs get adversely affected by waves that come from cell phones. It is better to use a mobile operator which works on a lower frequency, as higher frequency can have higher ill effects on our brain.

I recently saw one documentary on CNN,which it was told that these rays can cause cancer if you keep the cell phone with you all the time. Also, came to know that, we should not keep cell phones near our body or especially under the pillow while sleeping.We should keep cell phones a few feet away from our body while sleeping.
Among the other things,cell phones destroy the pleasures of direct human-to-human interaction. I have seen many people embarrassingly myself, too being obsessed with a relationship over the phone. But this situation has become inevitable.Felt very much relieved for one week when I had no balance/enough money in my mobile to make a call to my friends. Like other addictions, cell phones have also become an addiction. We have ignored real persons and been communicating with virtual persons over the phones but, ultimately it becomes a sort of ill health. Now, there have been studies showing how detrimental cell phone is for physical health too, so I am learning to avoid using cell phone without discretion.

Now, i can't pick the right decision whether to go to college or bunk it off..If happened to attend my college....,though no concepts would penetrate my skull i make my presence over there just to enjoy my day with my friends..thats it..! & If happen to bunk college,i would thoroughly enjoy the day but will equally feel dejected and realize later, that i have wasted a day completely..
For the past three-four days its been raining as though the cloud gonna tear off and shed all its water at a go...I and my friends wont listen to the classes rather will watch the beauty of rain and hear to the whooshing sound it makes...In most of the cases,we will be identified and caught by the faculties while staring at the rain...
- Now,I pray that,rain should prolong for some weeks and atleast for one day we should get a government holiday..!! sigh*
In my school upto 5th standard there was a subject so called as "Science",which comprises the basics of physics,chemistry,environment,hygiene etc,etc..under this name only.Right from my 6th std,there was a partition of subjects under different names..as we all know now as Physics,Chemistry,Biology...among these,chemistry is my nightmare.."
That was the fourth day of my 6th std.My Chemistry teacher was very strict and she wont smile for photos too...(i dont want to reveal her name here, i am not feared though.She had the habit of asking questions to those students who looks very talkative.Only for that period, we students all will remain dumb,thinking that she wont ask questions to anyone if we continue to remain like that.
I was very quiet and not even turned a inch for such a long time...i was abt to faint,she suddenly pointed me by calling my name loudly as "Jayyyyyy".I was abt to fall from my chair..as i was half asleep,my name was heard thrice in my ear...I immediately responded by standing in attention..i would hav nearly saluted on seeing her expressions...she was a terror.I somehow managed to gain some balance,and she asked me to solve one simple problem(eventhough it looks simple now,but i would struggle a lot those times.).She gave me a long chalk piece(wondered what should i do with that piece..for few seconds).
I was leaning on the Big Black Board and prayed god to get some mokka problems,which i should tell orally and not to scribble something on that board.
She dictated the question as follows:
What will be the product when 1 mole of Barium combines with 2 moles of sodium..?(her voice was similar to Donald duck,and i chuckled a second and immediately answered her question as "Banana"
All the students laughed for my answer..and my teacher,she was staring at me without blinking her eyelids..that created a sense of fear in me...and she asked me to explain my answer in detail" i turned towards the board and wrote the chemical equation for her question and after seeing that she lately realised that she should also laughed along with the students..bcoz,i wrote the equation as,
Ba + 2Na--->
i.e) Ba + Na + Na------>Banana.
From that day she never asks me to answer for her questions…That was the first time we all saw her laughing…Cant forget that incident till now.
This post is just to reveal my happiness that i am feeling right now...! I have participated in many chess games..but,the one which i took part yesterday was a great experience for me...

On behalf of our colllege "KINGSTON",a team of 9 members participated in the game.Among 9,I and my friend were the only girls and the rest were boys,our senior brothers.The tournament,held on 7-8-10 at "SRI NARAYANI VIDYALAYA"..,near to the Golden Temple..The match fell on the day of our last exam..and I was very happy and excited that ..,some way or the other i will be send to the match..so i can escape from writing the exam but..,fate performed its role..,,I was permitted to participate in the game only after finishing the exam...(sob,sob,sob)the exam was pretty mind screwing..my thoughts pondered over the chess game and my mind detached from my soul i can say..but managed to finish my exam well..As soon as i finished the exam i handed over the paper and left the exam hall..And the very next moment,we got permission from the concerned staffs and got some wishes from our dear friends,faculties and left the college around 11 am.I started to wave hands towards my friends and showed some signs to express my joy which eventually kindled their patience..Really pathetic to see their faces..since the classes for the remaining sessions would be too vague..they shouted and told me to vacate immediately..Lolz.!Though the climate seemed to be too sultry,we stayed cool and enjoyed the scenario.Wandering simply outside the campus during the college hours..,Woah..! its priceless man..!
With no furthur delay we caught a bus...since we were running out of time and only 1 hr left for registering our names for the match,no other go,depended on that damn private bus..~we got seated and the bus was too serene as we entered.. but,as time passed,got irritated to the core...a child was screaming from behind and her mom consoled the child by showing our faces..as though we were resembling like Bug Bears..managed to control my anger,showed my giggling face and continued the travel..
Since there was no straight bus that leads to our destination,we shuffled three buses..really hectic..! I didn't take tickets for me and my friend either..our seniors sponsored..!!they guided us all way along..and i had been quite familiar about the city.so,there was no entertainment or sight seeing..Hence,the travel remained boring..
By God's grace were on time and registered our names and waited for the game to begin.The time was nearing to 1 am,and the name list was displayed and i eagerly peeked into the crowd to see my opponent's name.Gosh..! I was shocked on seeing the name..it was the name of the guy who won many prizes and always stands first in all chess tournaments in Vellore.I rushed to my friend and told my miserable condition.My friend laughed and told..hahaha..,u gonna lose the match for sure..i was about to slap her and asked about her situation..she showed all her 32 teeth and told for me its "BYE" dear..my instinct thought,from where on earth everyone are wrapped with loads of luck..??
Initially the match went well and the lucky breeze was towards my side...as the time rolled..,that lucky breeze turned into a deadly storm..i was about to lose the game..the other players who started their games along with us finished their games and we were the last pair playing inside..the rest of the players encircled us.I felt really uncomfortable when the spectators started helping me by showing some hand signs..I was not in the mood to continue or concentrate on the game.Finally, i lost the first game as per my friend's prediction and left that place.When my friend saw me,she was able to realize my situation and told some soothing words which comforted me a lot..
Its Lunch time, and we did'nt bring anything to eat or even crunch.Our seniors asked us whether we are feeling hungry and also told us to accompany with them to a nearby hotel..But we,to maintain some prestige avoided to accompany with them.They asked us for about 4-5 times,but we refused.And they finally moved to take their lunch.
I and my friend were the two souls who was starving to the core in that place..but did'nt reveal to anyone..Time was 3pm..and the next name list displayed..kept my fingers crossed,started to pray and went to see my opponent's name..again a shock..! happened to compete with another fabulous player--->lost the game-->came outside.My friend too lost and there came a 15 mins break**for refreshment.I was desperately in need of something to masticate to boost up my energy..I and my friend approached to one of our senior and asked the way that leads to the canteen..he replied there is nothing named as canteen here in this school..#$%^$%$^% ??@*smoke came from our ears...,Would have shouted in hunger from the roof top..
Left the game hall at 4pm and i won the first game for the day...pretty overjoyed and greeted my friends who won their matches too...And the next game by 5pm,won that match too..out of 4 games won 2 and lost 2.My friend won only one game for the day.
we had some useless talks and the time was nearing to 6pm.It was almost too dark outside.I made a call to my Dad and he came on time and i dropped my friend in her home and we exchanged some awful facial gestures and i thereby departed.Reached my home at 8 and had my supper and cuddled peacefully..
The Tournament winded up..and i did'nt personally win any prize,got certificate and very much contented that our college won the "Overall Trophy".
The next day,faculties asked about the game and we blabbered what all happened and our friends too congratulated us,that worths zillion dollars man...!! In the evening,had a small treat with my gang..