I love rain and i enjoy it to the core..this feeling started to engulf me from my age 4.I hate going to schools when i was a kid..and in my vacation/holidays the vice versa would happen.i will scream just like anything and ask my parents to drop me in school...would sound pretty strange,but it happened..
Now, i can't pick the right decision whether to go to college or bunk it off..If happened to attend my college....,though no concepts would penetrate my skull i make my presence over there just to enjoy my day with my friends..thats it..! & If happen to bunk college,i would thoroughly enjoy the day but will equally feel dejected and realize later, that i have wasted a day completely..
For the past three-four days its been raining as though the cloud gonna tear off and shed all its water at a go...I and my friends wont listen to the classes rather will watch the beauty of rain and hear to the whooshing sound it makes...In most of the cases,we will be identified and caught by the faculties while staring at the rain...
I am not a IQ scavenging being or the one who develops knowledge by knowing day to day activities via TV{NEWS}.But for one reason,I Watch news and i particularly wont miss the weather forecast.I will Eagerly lend my ears to the TV speakers and will wait for the news something that says "HEAVY RAIN,GOVERNMENT DECLARED HOLIDAY.

Now, i can't pick the right decision whether to go to college or bunk it off..If happened to attend my college....,though no concepts would penetrate my skull i make my presence over there just to enjoy my day with my friends..thats it..! & If happen to bunk college,i would thoroughly enjoy the day but will equally feel dejected and realize later, that i have wasted a day completely..
For the past three-four days its been raining as though the cloud gonna tear off and shed all its water at a go...I and my friends wont listen to the classes rather will watch the beauty of rain and hear to the whooshing sound it makes...In most of the cases,we will be identified and caught by the faculties while staring at the rain...
- Now,I pray that,rain should prolong for some weeks and atleast for one day we should get a government holiday..!! sigh*