Mobiles are harmful a recent study....
In today's scenario mobile plays a very important role in our daily life. It is very beneficial for us to deliver messages with in seconds. But no one thinks of it's disadvantages. How harmful it is for our health? According to a brain surgeon, mobile phones possess a bigger health risk than smoking cigarettes.

The waves from the cell phone are harmful to our physical body such as our heart, but most of us cannot avoid it. It can affect our heart and internal organs. Recent study tells that,many organs get adversely affected by waves that come from cell phones. It is better to use a mobile operator which works on a lower frequency, as higher frequency can have higher ill effects on our brain.

I recently saw one documentary on CNN,which it was told that these rays can cause cancer if you keep the cell phone with you all the time. Also, came to know that, we should not keep cell phones near our body or especially under the pillow while sleeping.We should keep cell phones a few feet away from our body while sleeping.
Among the other things,cell phones destroy the pleasures of direct human-to-human interaction. I have seen many people embarrassingly myself, too being obsessed with a relationship over the phone. But this situation has become inevitable.Felt very much relieved for one week when I had no balance/enough money in my mobile to make a call to my friends. Like other addictions, cell phones have also become an addiction. We have ignored real persons and been communicating with virtual persons over the phones but, ultimately it becomes a sort of ill health. Now, there have been studies showing how detrimental cell phone is for physical health too, so I am learning to avoid using cell phone without discretion.