The reason behind my laugh is, we have encountered the same kind of incident couple of times..We will plan well and mess it even too well..A gang of "awesome friends" we are ,and we all did our schooling together so, the bond is strong and we all moreover possess same kind of habits. eg;We all will do a one night stand for exams and waste the entire year doing nothing useful to others or to ourselves either.
After jotting the things to be accomplished for group studying, the place for our mission to get started have to be decided because, in all our homes no one will believe that we all gonna study.We had created such a "great impression" on their minds in our school days itself.For none of the issues, members of our family will believe us. Atlast, The best place is my friend's house, where her parents was not in the city on that particular day.We friends all with our books went there for the pre-preparation for our Eggjams.

One of my friend told about the subjects that should be taken into account and another friend effectively fixed the timings for each and every subject.I was pretty astonished on seeing their efforts and determination.Till the plan reached the conclusion, i was laughing and told them about our past experiences on group studying.We will plan, and in the middle one friend will sleep the other will play video game and the rest will scold the both.Eventually the day will wind up. But this time all their faces seemed serious and i too pretended to act serious.
As per our plan we took "Data structures" book.Initially things went time passed we started to feel some kind of boredom in studying the tree structures.We ate some snacks and we all were about to start our study cycle again.But, group of ten kids entered my friend's house.They called us to accompany with them for playing Carom.First we refused and really struggled a lot to send those kids out.But those little brats shouted,screamed and made a huge noise.In addition, they also threatened us by saying,if we refuse to play with them, they will report to our parents stating that, we all were playing video games in home and not studying.So,no other way we accepted to play ,but only for only 30 mins, as it would affect our remaining schedule.
The kids they themselves bought the Carom Board and placed the coins in order.Those devils called us for a gambling game.If we lose the game we should give some valuable possession of ours.We bravely accepted for their deal,thinking they not gonna play well but, a great shock..! we didn't even pocket any coins.To be frank,we did'nt get any chance to play the game thats the truth,they continuously pocketed the coins.Towards the end we even tried using Boric acid powder more on our sides but all in vain,we lost the game. As per our agreement, we should give something valuable to them.We gave snacks and chocolates to compromise those children but they refused to accept and started to Blackmail us. Finally we gave our video game set.To our surprise, they told they don't need those.We thought that,they had understood our miserable condition.But they asked my mobile.We all argued for 1hr and finally i gave my mobile with a backscore music of pathos song.
After this Third World War,2hrs later, those kids gave their entry into the house again.We tried to send those kids back fearing what they got in their minds this time.But they told they came with a good dealing.We all friends understood that,they have planned for a huge sum and should remain alert and never accept for their proposals.We send those kids back after a great hullabaloo.But,their final dialogues made us to think a while and call them back,because,if we agree to play cards with them and win, the mobile will be back in my hands.I was left out with no other choice to be made and nodded my head. The cards came.I was supposed to play to retrieve back my mobile.I lost the game and i cant understand whats happening around me and my two wheeler key gone.Those kids don't even know to ride their tricycles properly but,they took my bike key.

I really turned angry to the core,and could'nt find any alternative way to get back the things which i had lost.Atlast, we came with the idea of Blackmailing them in return.Really a cheap thing to do,but no other way, i cant live without the things that i had lost. We called them with some pleasing words and made them to enter our room.And we locked those kids in that room and conversed via windows.We told, if they don't return the key and the mobile, we will complain to their class teacher.Thankfully, my friend's mother happened to be their Class Teacher.We know those kids won't finish their homeworks by themselves ,and will depend only on their parents to write them.We used this opportunity and try to threaten those devils.They clamored and finally accepted to return my mobile and my key too.I got my mobile and key through the window and left those kids out.

After their departure,we locked the door tightly.As predicted, our "group study" plan was dropped and we all saw each others faces and laughed uncontrollably.The day was quite a fun but our plan was messed. Before leaving to our respective homes,one of my friend told the following " hmmmm.....we were not even capable of wining carom and cards with 8yr old kids, then how we all gonna win in our Engineeeeee...........she dragged and before she finished that line, we all pulled her down and gave her some random blows and punches.

<< "After all we are "A great set of awesome friends">>